> Color Block Pillow With Hidden Zipper
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Color Block Pillow With Hidden Zipper

Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
Color block pillow with crochet heart garland

I think that throw pillows are a great way to change up the decor in a room. That's why I love zippered pillow covers. You can change out the pillows in the room seasonally or when you feel like a change. It also makes them easy to wash and store the covers you're not using. I have limited storage space, so storing extra throw pillows is not really an option.

To get in the Valentine's Day spirit, I wanted to make this pillow red and pink. I had scraps of red and pink twill in my fabric stash that were perfect for this pillow. I knew I wanted to add a zipper, and I was inspired by this tutorial showing how to hide a zipper in the middle of a pillow using a contrast flap. I decided to make by own by incorporating the flap into the design. It's an easy project and a fun way to add a pop of color.

Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion

Let's get to the tutorial...

  • Fabric in 2 colors
  • Zipper*
  • Pillow form [tutorial to make your own]

    *Your zipper should be about the width of your pillow form or longer, but it's ok if it's an inch or two shorter.

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion

    Next you need to figure out what size to cut your fabric. I am using a 17" pillow form, so I want the size of my front and back to be cut to 17" x 17". (You want your pillow cover to be snug over the pillow form). I am using two colors for each side, so I divided 17" in half to get 8.5". Then I add my seam allowance to sew the two colors together to get 9".

    [(size of pillow form)/2] + .05" = size to cut fabric for pillow front

    For the pillow back, I need to cut one piece 1" taller to make the flap. The other piece will be the same size as the pillow front.

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion

    For a 17" pillow form, cut the following:

  • Color A (pink): two pieces measuring 9" x 17"
  • Color B (red): one 9" x 17" piece, one 10" x 17" piece


  • Place one 9" x 17" piece of color A and the 9" x 17" piece of color B right sides together. Pin along one 17" side.
  • Sew with 1/2" seam allowance across the side
  • Iron and press seam open.

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion


    My zipper was only 16" long, so I just used the selvage from my fabric to sew tabs on the sides of my zipper. If your zipper is the size of your pillow or longer, you can skip this step.

  • Take the other 9" x 17" piece of color A and place it right side up. Take your zipper and align it face down along the top edge. Pin into place.
  • Using your zipper foot, sew with a 1/4" seam allowance.
  • Press fabric away from your zipper.
  • Topstitch.

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion

  • Take your piece of color B and iron one 17" side down 1". This creates the zipper flap.
  • Open up the flap. Align the raw edge of the fabric with the top of the zipper tape. Pin into place.
  • Sew 1/4" away from the raw edge.
  • Fold the the fabric back up along the crease.
  • Topstitch 3/4" away from the edge of the flap.

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion


  • Unzip the zipper halfway.
  • Place the front and back pieces right sides together and pin. Make sure to line up the seams of the two colors in the middle.
  • Sew with a 1/2" seam allowance along all 4 sides, pivoting around the corners.
  • Clip corners and trim off any excess zipper.
  • Turn right side out and poke out the corners.
  • Insert pillow form and enjoy looking at your new pillow!

    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion
    Color Block Pillow with Hidden Zipper. DIY Valentine's Day decor sewing tutorial | She's Got the Notion

    I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you make your own pillow using this tutorial, please snap a photo because I'd love to see it! You can tag me on Instagram or Twitter, or post it to my Facebook page. And be sure to follow me on Bloglovin' or Google+ to keep up with the latest on my blog!

    Happy Sewing!

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  • 1 comment:

    1. Very cool! I've got a Craft Gossip post that links to your tutorial here:
