When I talked last week about my blog goals for March, I said I wanted to try and use what I have and be less wasteful. I had made a goal to not purchase any new crafting supplies this month, and I've held true to that so far.
I wanted to try out a couple of things from this week's 10 for Tuesday post about being more green. (Honestly, they're for my inspiration as much as yours!) I first wanted to try out some felted wool dryer balls. I liked the idea of chemical free fabric softener and not having to keep throwing away the sheets. I had some vintage wool in my stash that wasn't holding up so well with age. It was getting very weak and would snap easily. I figured they would be great for this project. Unfortunately, the dye bled a lot. That's not something you want when you're going to be throwing them in with your whites! So I'm am shelving this project until I have lifted my ban on buying new craft supplies. I just purchased a new box of fabric softener sheets anyway, so there is no rush.

The other project I wanted to try was the crochet cotton pads to replace cotton pads and balls from the store. I was refilling my cotton balls the other day and remembered seeing patterns to crochet your own cotton pads. I thought it'd be a great place to start for my being less wasteful goal. I pulled out all the cotton yarn in my stash and got to work. I ended up trying out two patterns: simple cotton rounds and puff stitch cotton pads. The first pattern was very simple and quick to work up. The puff stitch pattern is not as quick, as you should know if you've done puff stitch projects. However, I really wanted the soft puff stitch pads for removing my eye makeup. The other cotton rounds would work for most other uses.

I got a little excited by this project so I decided to continue by making some easy face scrubbies. Now, I usually just use my fingers to wash my face, but these just looked so cute. I also have trouble washing all my makeup off sometimes, so I thought these could help with that. I just made three to start because I want to make sure they do not irritate my face before making any more.

I whipped up several of each of the patterns so they could last between laundry washes. I will still keep cotton balls around for nail polish removal, because I know that nail polish won't wash out. I've read some people will use black yarn to use with nail polish remover though. Has anyone tried it, and does it work ok?

Have you used any crochet to replace disposables in your home? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Crocheting!

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Hi just wondering how well these work on your face and how they hold up in the washing machine??